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Session Chair: Hrachya Astsatryan (ASNET-AM)


The Transformational Power of NRENs

Presenter: Erik Huizer (GÉANT)


Humanity is facing several major issues, like shortage
of energy, materials, and of food, ageing, climate
change etc. We need all the creativity, brainpower
and research in the world to solve these issues.

To make sure that researchers worldwide can build on each others' ideas and results we need the appropriate network connections and collaboration services. To make sure we involve everyone in the world we need education with worldwide access to resources and to stimulate digital skills. Regional and National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are in a unique position to make sure that all researchers, students and teachers can have access to the right network and services in their country and to the rest of the world. By facilitating collaboration and connectivity between researchers and students worldwide, NRENs boost the results of their efforts. This results in economic growth, a cooperative culture, new technologies and solutions for society.

Session 1 - Keynote

WEDNESDAY 25:  11:00 - 12:00


© 2019 by EaPConnect. The EaPConnect project is funded
by the European Union under Grant Agreement 2015-356353

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