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Hayk Shoukourian

 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre  

Hayk Shoukourian received his MSc and PhD with 'summa cum laude' in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2012 and 2015 respectively. He joined Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in 2012 and his R&D activities mainly involve efficient energy/power consumption management of the HPC data centres. In his current role, Dr. Shoukourian is responsible for adaptive modeling of interoperability between the target HPC systems and the building infrastructure of the supercomputing site. He is also a team lead for the PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) work package on HPC Planning and Commissioning, as well as leading the development of best practice guides for new architectures and systems.

Since August 2018 Dr. Shoukourian is a lecturer in Computer Science at Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU). He is a member of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik), and US DOE Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Working Group (EEHPC WG). He serves on programme committees of several international conferences including International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), SCS High Performance Computing Symposium and IEEE/ACM High Performance Computing & Simulation, and acts as a reviewer for Elsevier 'Advances in Engineering Software' and IEEE Access journals.


© 2019 by EaPConnect. The EaPConnect project is funded
by the European Union under Grant Agreement 2015-356353

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