Session 6: 'EOSC - Beneficial for the EaP Countries?'
WEDNESDAY 25: 16:40 - 17:00
Session Chair: Peter Bogatencov (RENAM)
Presenter: Annabel Grant (GÉANT)
Today the annual increase in data is measured in Zettabytes! The GÉANT network is evolving to deal with this exponential increase in data to support research and education... but what about the data itself? For most scientists, it’s just not possible to read all the relevant material published in their discipline. In some domains more relevant publications are being written in one year than a person could read in their lifetime. Many of the underlying data sets are not published and most of the data does not have the necessary metadata attached to it – meaning the data resulting from the majority of scientific studies cannot easily be found. In some sub-disciplines, the situation is relatively good, but even in those cases interoperability with other disciplines is usually not considered.
If relevant data would be findable, accessible and interoperable for scientists, these combinations could/would lead to (unforeseen) re-use and to a faster development of science. This is the aim of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). So that as a result of the right standardisation, data repositories with relevant data can be used by scientists and others to the benefit of mankind. In building EOSC, the aim is to design a 'virtual commons' where science producers and science consumers come together for more insights, new ideas and more innovation. A minimal viable platform with an official status consisting of rules of participation, a governance structure, FAIR data and interoperable services will be available to early adopters by the end of 2020, in short ‘Data made in Europe’. This presentation will give more information about the governance structure of EOSC, progress to date, and explain how science in EAP countries can benefit from EOSC.